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Horizons Membership

Click below to apply for membership:

Read about the history of Horizons

About Horizons

Our objectives

Horizons has been in existence for 70 years under various names and during that time it has grown into an important representative body for former HSBC employees. Its officials regularly meet with the Executive of the Bank to discuss a variety of issues.

Read a brief History of the Association here.

However, its main function is at local level with some 35 centres covering the whole country offering friendship, fellowship and support with regular meetings and functions throughout the year.

Horizons liaises closely with the Bank Workers Charity which provides a free, confidential support service for bank pensioners who are facing challenges relating to their home, wellbeing or money.

Join Horizons

Membership is open to all former employees, aged 50 or over, of the HSBC Group and/or those in receipt of a pension from HSBC Bank Pension Trust (UK) Ltd.

To join Horizons click Apply for Membership and complete the online application form or download the Application Form PDF and Direct Debit Form.  Please ensure both an Application and Direct Debit form are sent to the Membership Secretary, one way or another.

Click here to read our Constitution.

Benefits of Membership

  • Low-cost membership currently at £10 a year;
  • Receipt four times a year of the Horizons magazine in paper or electronic form;
  • Subsidised annual luncheon and reunion attended by hundreds, alternatively in London and the provinces;
  • Subsidised annual lunch in your local Centre;
  • Social events, visits and outings organised locally by the Centres;
  • Access to discounts and offers available only to members and staff;
  • Representation as a group of around 17,000 members through Regional Representatives on the Management Committee;
  • The Chair holds regular meetings with the Bank CEO;
  • Access to the Bank Workers Charity;
  • Contact through local Centres with other members and former colleagues;
  • Access to the members' area of this website comprising over 80 pages of information and images.

Copyright © 2025 Horizons - The association for former HSBC employees. All Rights Reserved.