On the epa website (electronic pensions administration) you can find details of your individual pension.  You will need logon details provided either by Willis Towers Watson.or Equiniti.


Bank Contacts

HSBC Bank plc - click here for the UK Bank site.

HR Direct - call 0345 6024348 for any non pension related matters.

HSBC Pension epa Website

If you receive an error message that your connection is not private, please do not worry and try again later or try using a different browser.

Note: This, the Horizons website, carries no information about individual pensions

The Scheme administrator

HSBC DB and Hybrid pensions are now administered by Equiniti (EQ) whose contact details are below.  In the case of continued problems please contact the HSBC Pension Services Executive (PSE) direct using the following email

The Defined Contribution (DC) Scheme remains administered by Willis Towers Watson.

On the epa website (electronic pensions administration) you can find details of your individual pension. You will need registration/logon details provided by Equiniti. 

Pension queries - DB and Pensioner only: email 
Tel.: +44(0) 371 384 2620

Pension queries - Hybrid members only: email

External Organisations 

The Bank Workers Charity - click the BWC menu item above.

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